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Serenity Haven Villa(USA) Sep 28, 2023

The Serenity Haven Villa of Gooday was successfully completed,  with a new upgrade of more than 300 square meters. 18 years of professional precipitation and elaborate, just to show the new chinese style is still the special style.

Living room: to give people the visual is simple quiet elegant temperament, into the concise, beautiful lines and modeling, to create a pristine, healing environment, the use of products have molding board model 152, 600 board wood grain color, light belt; Explore the unknown order of life in pure space.

The restaurant: uses 600 panels, wood grain colors, and grille panels to create a romantic atmosphere of retro warmth.

The master bedroom: suite is designed with "natural and quiet elegance" as the keynote, using 300 boards and 600 boards to stage-match, the overall focus on the texture and shape of the design, plus the Great Wall board to do the match, to add a little smart feeling to the space

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